Conejo Valley Guide | Conejo Valley Events

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Trail Etiquette Tips in the Conejo Valley and Surrounding Areas

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The trails that surround us here in the Conejo Valley, including the Santa Monica Mountains maintained by the National Park Service, California State Parks and other organizations, as well as the Conejo Open Space, are a year-round wonderland for hikers, bikers, runners and equestrians. As such, it’s good to be reminded of the rules for trail etiquette.

Here is a summary of tips summarized in a brochure posted at

Hikers, runners and mountain bikers must always yield to equestrians. Do so by immediately stopping and waiting on the downhill side of the trail. Greet the rider, as your voice also signals to the horse that you’re human and not a potential threat. Communicate with the rider and ask how to proceed. As beautiful as the horses are, do not approach or pet them without asking for permission first. If you are a cyclist, after communicating with the horse rider, pass slowly and steadily, without sudden movements or noises.

Hikers should always listen for cyclists, runners and equestrians approaching from behind. Listen for “on your left” so that you can stay to the right and let them by. Hike single-file on narrow trails and try to stay to the right on wider trails. Keep your dogs on short (6 feet maximum) leashes and of course, clean up after them. If you wear headphones, consider wearing only one earpiece or turning the volume down so you can hear your surroundings.

Bikers should slow down and yield to hikers and horses. Consider using a bell to alert others you are behind them. On a single track trail, downhill cyclists should yield to uphill cyclists.

And some other reminders…stay on the trails, don’t litter, don’t block the trail if you need to stop and don’t use the trails when the are wet and muddy.

And of course, be nice, smile at and greet your fellow trail users! We love our local trails!


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