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First Cold of the Year - Thought I Was in the Clear!

I made it to April Fool's Day without a single day illness this year, but that came to an end yesterday when my sneezing went haywire on a day out with the kids.

In fact, up until around 2 pm yesterday, I felt perfectly fine. We went to the Los Angeles Zoo and, BOOM, it hit me. Couldn't stop sneezing, over and over again. And these weren't allergy sneezes. These were followed up by massive drainage and nose blowing ever since. Yep, my first cold of the year.

So I decided to stay home today and keep my germs away from my coworkers. It also give me a chance to update how my training is looking year-to-date.

Through yesterday, I ran 550 miles this year, about 100 miles more than in the last several years, yet 130 miles less than the mileage I was putting in back in 2004, the last year I ran a decent marathon (a 2:48 at the Long Beach Marathon).

So I have a decent base that, after I get over this cold, hopefully I can put to good use. I was considering running the Pasadena Marathon in May, but I don't have enough time to get enough decent long runs in.

But at least I was able to get 2 hours, 20 minutes of running in this past weekend pre-cold, for a total of 18.5 miles.

Back to the drawing board....hope this storm passes through quickly!