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Update From Woolsey Fire Unified Commanders on November 15, 2018

Unified command is working with local utility companies to ensure that critical infrastructure is repaired and restored. Burned out power poles, burned and damaged homes, debris filled roadways, broken gas lines, and burned guardrails pose serious safety hazards to residents attempting to return to the area.

The safety of both residents and first responders is the primary focus of our mission. Fire crews and heavy equipment are busy working to mitigate safety concerns to ensure that residents can return home safely.

The Woolsey Fire is unlike any previous fire in the Santa Monica Mountains due to the vast destruction and devastation to homes and critical infrastructure. A reminder to residents returning to the area, please stay vigilant on current fire conditions, and heed to the warning of emergency personnel. Please continue to adhere to road closures and any evacuation zones. All residents returning to the area are asked to drive slowly and yield to emergency personnel. If at any time you feel unsafe, call 911.

Residents and business owners who sustained losses can begin applying for FEMA aid now. Register online at

Safety information for those returning home can be found at:

Although the fire has not directly impacted the communities of Monte Nido and Topanga, the threat of a wildfire due to wind reversal after the Santa Ana’s subside remains a concern. The wind reversal will test our fire lines and validate our fire behavior prediction to declare the area safe. Unified Commanders are constantly evaluating the Malibu Fire area and while smoke is no longer visible we need to ensure infrastructure is safe for you to return.