HomeTown Buffet in Oxnard Recently Closed Its Doors

Truth be told I had not been at the HomeTown Buffet at 1906 Lockwood Street in Oxnard, near Best Buy and CarMax, for over 10 years. 

Buffets seem to be a dying breed around town. I used to enjoy taking the kids from time to time as they enjoyed the variety...and the plentiful assortment of…desserts. 

But as the kids have grown older through the years, I'm impressed by their desire to eat healthful foods...fruits and vegetables, and less desserts! Amazing how times have changed!

In any case, I was not aware of the recent closing and was not tipped off about it like I frequently am via the Conejo Valley Guide Facebook Page. But I did find out via Facebook as on my "wall" popped up an ad for a "Former HomeTown Buffet Restaurant Liquidation Auction."

A quick visit to the HomeTown Buffet website turned up no evidence of an Oxnard location. There thus are no more HomeTown Buffets in Ventura County.

The closest Hometown Buffet to Thousand Oaks has been and continues to be the Canoga Park location, which at 16 miles from Thousand Oaks is 4 miles closer than the Oxnard location was.