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Patriot Airsoft in Newbury Park (Closed)

Patriot Airsoft was a 12,000 sq ft indoor airsoft field located at 1260 Rancho Conejo Blvd, #1 in Newbury Park. IT CLOSED IN EARLY 2016

Visit or "like" Patriot's Facebook page.

Airsoft involves shooting round, plastic BBs from replica firearms. Games last from 6-15 minutes each and people can join at any time during the day.  There are referees on the field who orchestrate the games and ensure all players' safety.

Players are welcome to come in and learn about the sport, take a tour, listen to a safety briefing and then begin playing!  Anyone under the age of 18 is required to wear a full fask mask, which can be brought or rented there.  Players can bring their own guns, that will be chronographed to determine that they are within the 350 fps (feet per second) limit of our indoor field.